Friday, December 7, 2012

The Banished One - review

The Banished One: love, murder, sex and VAMPIRES. Yes please!

If you didn't know, this is Book 3 in the amazing Undeparted Series! Lucius is still on the loose and out killing innocent victims for blood. The police are on a mission to find and catch the serial killer however, they believe there needs to be an explanation for the bite marks and blood draining. Of course they don't believe that vampires actually exist!

Quentin Castle, king of the vampires has his own reasons for wanting to find Lucius even though he was asked to cooperate with the police to find him. When Quentin and Lucius finally meet up, the battle begins. And we are left with one great cliff hanger! Can't wait for Book 4! Who's Veronica???

1 comment:

  1. Tara, thanks so much for this awesome review!! You gave me goose bumpies!
