Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Point of Retreat - review

A butterflying awesome followup to Slammed!!!
"There are moments in every relationship that define when two people start to fall in love.
A first glance
A first smile
A first kiss
A first fall..."
-Will in Point of Retreat

I seriously could not love this series any more than I already do. Point of Retreat is narrated by Will and deals with more of their relationship and heartache. The obstacles that they endure will either tear them apart or make them stronger.

Another emotional roller coaster of a book that had me laughing and bawling my eyes out. Will & Layken's relationship is truly one in a million.

1 comment:

  1. I started the first book in this series- Slammed- and it was so good I decided to stay up late and finish. But, it got to the part where the mom reveals the "Big Secret" and it hit too close to home for me. I just couldn't read any further. But it wasn't because the book was bad.

    I'm curious to find out what happens to the characters and if they end up together.
